As part of their major summer campaign on the NHS, the Liberal Democrats have launched a new website - www.nhssos.com
The site includes details of the Liberal Democrats 3-step plan to improve the NHS, local campaign news from around the country and an on line petition which people can sign.

Ming Campbell said, "I know from my own experience just how important the NHS is, and how hard nurses, doctors and other staff work.
"But by trying to control every detail of what goes on in the NHS the Labour Government has wasted money and caused a massive wave of cuts."
Just a small point. The present army of managers and organisations running the Welsh NHS is as a direct result of the decision made by Labour and the Lib Dems, when in coalition. In fact, Mr German lauded it a a massive advance.
I think that the NHS is in real danger of loosing a number of its key-workers under the agenda for change review that has been carrying on for the past three years. In fact, now is the time that staff are being regraded along with the subsequent reduction in salary. Those with some get up and go, will get up and go! This isn't be good for the NHS in Wales, this will have a knock on effect for patients and services. It has been estimated within LHB, 60% of staff are contesting their re-grading!
I've been somewhat disappointed in the performance of the NHS in Wales for a number of years, our GP surgeries are run for the benefit of the receptionist on the front desks!! I've known of people having to go private to get life saving and life improving treatment. One colleague has had to go to France for a hip replacement, he's making the same journey this coming October to get the other hip done, at great expense to himself!
On a personal note, we had to pay for my wife to have surgery, after the goal posts were changed, and funding was withdrawn for her operation which she had been on the waiting list for just short of 12 months.
A good tip to any blog reader, don't get sick in this country!
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