At their federal conference in Bournemouth today, Liberal Democrats resolved, incorporating amendments, as follows:
Suzanne Fletcher (Stockton) moving a successful amendment
Creating Safe and Legal Routes for Refugees
Conference notes that:
I. There are currently almost 20 million refugees worldwide, who have
fled war and persecution, including nearly four million refugees who
have fled the ongoing conflict in Syria.
II. The vast majority of refugees are hosted by developing countries; for
example, only six percent of Syrian refugees have sought safety in
III. Increasing numbers of people are attempting extremely dangerous
journeys across the Mediterranean, with over 100,000 arriving in
Europe by sea and nearly 2,000 people dying making the journey in
the first five months of 2015 alone.
IV. 33% of those crossing the Mediterranean have fled war-torn Syria,
10% have fled Eritrea, and 18% have fled Somalia and Afghanistan.
Conference welcomes the Liberal Democrat commitment to give sanctuary to UN refugees, as stated in the party’s 2015 General
Election Manifesto,
Stronger Economy. Fairer Society. Opportunity for
Conference expresses concern that:
A. In responding to the migration crisis, Conservative ministers have used dehumanising language to condemn the actions of refugees fleeing was and persecution, and have failed to recognise or address the humanitarian crisis. Some governments across Europe including the UK are making it increasingly difficult for
those fleeing war and persecution to seek safety on the continent by
removing safe and legal routes and creating ‘Fortress Europe’.
B. The lack of safe and legal routes is forcing refugees to make
dangerous journeys, resulting in the loss of life.
C. Current UK policy limits the safe and legal routes available, including
through a limited number of places for resettled refugees and overly
restrictive family reunion rules that prevent, among others, adult
children being reunited with their parents and siblings.
D. Last December, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner
for Refugees called on governments around the world to provide
resettlement and other forms of admission for 130,000 Syrian
refugees by the end of 2016, yet the United Kingdom has only
pledged to resettle several hundred of the most vulnerable Syrian
refugees, and by the end of March 2015, just 187 Syrians had been
resettled here.
Conference calls on the Government to:
1. Create more safe and legal routes for refugees to seek safety in the
UK by:
a) Significantly increasing the number of refugees resettled in the
UK through UNHCR programmes, offering thousands rather than
hundreds of places to those fleeing war and persecution including via an EU resettlement scheme.
b) Making it easier for refugees to join relatives already living in safety
through UNHCR programmes in the United Kingdom.
c) Accept that the best way of arresting smuggling is creating safe and legal routes for refugees, as well as participating fully in EU efforts to tackle criminal people-smuggling which exploits the misery and desperation of vulnerable people, instead of taking a minimalist approach to EU police and crime cooperation.
2. Work together with partners in the EU to find sustainable solutions to the current and long-term migration crisis which has particularly affected Italy and Greece, including opting into a relocation scheme to offer asylum to the most vulnerable refugees from Syria, Eritrea and Iraq.
3. Take leadership within the EU in support of multilateral efforts to help refugees and displaced persons within their own regions and in support of host countries in North Africa and the Middle East which are assisting large numbers of refugees.
4. Continue to advocate for, and contribute to, the European search and
rescue operation in the Mediterranean to save the lives of those who
are forced to make dangerous journeys.
5. In the long-term, tackle the root causes of why people become
refugees so that fewer people feel compelled to flee their homes.
6. Reaffirm the UK’s international commitment to give protection to
those fleeing war and persecution. In addition, Conference calls on local councils, particularly those that are run by the Liberal Democrats to be generous in offering housing and other support to incoming refugees.