Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Chancellor's Universal Credit spending barely recovers half the cuts of his predecessor

Responding to the Chancellor's Universal Credit plans from the Budget, Liberal Democrat DWP spokesperson Stephen Lloyd said:

“After stubbornly resisting for far too long, the Government has finally responded to pressure from the Liberal Democrats and put back some of the money into the Universal Credit Work Allowance, which they stupidly cut the moment we were no longer around to stop them. 
“However, the £1.7 billion per year the Chancellor committed to still does not make up for the £3 billion pa his predecessor George Osborne slashed from the benefit in 2015. We also heard nothing on ending the gratuitous benefits freeze early, or on making UC fairer for the self-employed. 
“UC’s serious design flaws were also not addressed, from long waiting times that are pushing people into indebtedness, to problems in how landlords are paid housing benefit. The pain caused by the roll-out of UC is not over yet.”

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