Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Wollaston: Farage voting Tory shows Johnson has drifted to extremes

Responding to the news* that Nigel Farage is considering voting Tory at the general election, Liberal Democrat candidate for Totnes and ex-Conservative MP Sarah Wollaston said:

“Boris Johnson has drifted so far to the extremes that even Nigel Farage is now considering voting for him.
“The Conservative Party is now indistinguishable from the Brexit Party.
“Both want to pursue a damaging Brexit, cosy up to Trump and plunge the country back into the past.
“As Farage has admitted, the only way to stop this Brexit nightmare becoming a reality is to vote Liberal Democrat, so we can beat Boris Johnson and stop Brexit.”

*Nigel Farage's comments were made in an interview today with PA Media.

1 comment:

nigel hunter said...

Plunge the country back into the past .I have learned that the US gives its workers 2 weeks holiday. There is a campaign to increase this . However if we have to make a deal with Trump workers rights could be on the table. Do we want to lose our rights? The deal we have with the EU is the best. Stay in the EU and Revoke A 50