Thursday, April 09, 2020

Govt must do more to protect charity sector - Davey

Responding to the Chancellor’s plan to help the charity sector, Acting Leader of the Liberal Democrats, Ed Davey said:

“Charities play a crucial role helping the most vulnerable in our society. Millions of people rely more than ever on food banks, hospices and many other services provided through the charitable sector. 

“As charities see revenue plummet, it is of course welcome that the Chancellor has finally recognised the enormous pressures on them. 

“The £750million will undoubtedly help, but Ministers must be honest and admit it won't come close to making up for the £4.3 billion of income charities will have lost in just 12 weeks.

“Liberal Democrats are therefore calling on the Government to fund charities properly,  especially those smaller local charities that are close to their communities. If Ministers do not, many charities will simply not be able to help the most vulnerable in society, with potentially devastating long term consequences.”

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