Saturday, September 09, 2017

Theresa May's "banana republic" power grab

The Liberal Democrats are tabling an amendment to prevent Theresa May's attempts to rig parliamentary committees and ram through the government's hard Brexit plans.

A controversial government motion set to be voted on Tuesday evening would give the Conservatives a majority on all key parliamentary committees, despite the party losing its majority at the election.

The Liberal Democrat amendment to the motion will aim to reverse the proposed changes and keep the current procedure, in which the political make-up of committees reflects Parliament as a whole.

Liberal Democrat Leader Vince Cable commented:

"Liberal Democrats will work with other parties to resist this attempt to undermine British democracy.

"Eroding democratic institutions and rigging the rules in your favour is something we'd expect from a banana republic, not a Conservative government.

"Theresa May promised to act with humility and listen to the message sent by the British people after she lost her majority. It is now up to MPs to hold her to that promise and prevent this shameful power grab.”

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