Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Cruel treatment of disability benefit claimants exposed by Commons committee

In response to the Work and Pensions Select Committee Report out today on PIP and ESA assessments Stephen Lloyd MP, Liberal Democrat DWP spokesperson, said :
“This is an utterly damning report from the Select Committee on the quality, or lack thereof, from the government’s PIP and ESA assessments programmes.

"It’s clear far too many assessments are inadequate for this system to continue in its current form.

"This also comes on the day where the DWP has put out a deplorable tweet reminding people that as today is Valentines Day, they will be checking that benefits claimants are declaring they live with a partner or else. It’s obvious this Conservative government knows the price of everything but the value of nothing. 

"This is proof that the Liberal Democrat position of stripping the assessment contract from corporate behemoths such as ATOS and Capita and bringing them in-house as a public service, is the only practical and humane way forward.”

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