Thursday, February 04, 2021

Post-lockdown crime surge: Government must act now


Liberal Democrats have renewed calls on the Government to restore community policing and youth services, as new official figures show that police-recorded crime rose by 20% after the first lockdown was lifted last summer, returning to pre-Covid levels.
Responding to the figures, Liberal Democrat Home Affairs Spokesperson Alistair Carmichael said:

“The steep rise in crime last summer is alarming. The Government must act fast to prevent a similar surge when the current lockdown is lifted.

“For far too long, Conservative Ministers have been trying hard to seem tough on crime, but failing to do what works to actually prevent it.

“Liberal Democrats understand that police need the officers, resources and time to focus on preventing and solving crimes, and that young people need a positive alternative to gangs and violence. That's why we are calling for more community policing and youth services to prevent a return to the record levels of knife crime and serious violence we faced before the pandemic hit.

“Like everyone on the frontline of this crisis, police officers are doing an incredibly difficult job in extremely challenging circumstances. Ministers must give them the support and resources they need to keep people safe from Covid while also preventing crime."

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