Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Public bodies must not wriggle out of FoI obligations - Howarth

Commenting on today’s statement on Freedom of Information by Jack Straw, Liberal Democrat Justice Spokesperson, David Howarth said:

"It is difficult to see how we can be in an era of free information when over one in three requests is not fully resolved and one in five is point-blank refused.

"There are also genuine concerns over the creeping use of fees and exemptions as public bodies seek to wriggle away from their obligations.

"Lord Falconer’s attempts to curb freedom of information on grounds of costs were rebuffed last year. They must remain rebuffed."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well spotted Frank!

I've made a couple of FoI request of late, one to South Wales Police regarding Police vehicles being caught by Gatso Cameras - denied.

The second was to that Mickey Mouse organisation called WAG, specifically around recruitment of members of the local Community Health Council (CHC) since ministers get to choose who they put in there, again denied.

Interestingly, the Information Officer suggested if I wasn't happy with this outcome I should address my complaint to the INformation Commissioner; HOW WRONG HE IS, your first complaint should go to the organisation you are making a complaint about - obviously a delaying tactic by the dinosaur that is WAG.

G Lewis
Bridgend Lib Dems