Sunday, September 16, 2018

Gove leaving the table as the rest of Europe digs in

Responding to the publication of the Government's Agriculture Bill, Tim Farron, former Lib Dem leader and Environment Spokesperson, said:
“The ambition in this bill can only be achieved if it is matched with funding, at the very least the current funding we receive from the EU – around £4 billion – must be maintained in order for Michael Gove’s aims to be achieved.

There has been no indication that the same level of funding will be matched by the Treasury after 2022. Without this spending, the farming industry will struggle to adapt to the new regime and we will see many farms going out of business. 
“It also would be far better for the environment if Mr Gove was sat round the table with 27 other countries trying to reform the Common Agricultural Policy together, rather than the UK having to leave the EU in order to achieve his aims.”

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