Thursday, March 08, 2018

Theresa May was wrong to bin Leveson

Commenting on reports from the BBC that a former private investigator who worked for the Sunday Times used illegal practices to target cabinet ministers Liberal Democrat Spokesperson, Christine Jardine, said:

“This story, and these acts, would rightly cause outrage at any time, but just five days after the government announced their plans to abandon part two of the Leveson Inquiry, it couldn’t be more damning.

"Theresa May is doing nothing to improve the culture of ethics in public life and the failure to implement the Leveson proposals deters individuals from seeking justice.

"Rifling through peoples bins, their personal data, reeks of dishonesty and sleaze, and the government should be ashamed that they have allowed this distinctly unbalanced playing-field to tip in favour of those on the wrong side of the law.”

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