Tuesday, May 16, 2017

How can we take Theresa May seriously on clamping down on inequality and discrimination?

Commenting on Theresa May’s announcement that the Conservatives are set to include a manifesto commitment to publish the ethnicity pay gap, former Lib Dem Business Minister Jo Swinson said:

“In Coalition, I was successful in fighting an uphill struggle against the Conservatives to get gender pay gap reporting into law. To see the Conservatives first buckle under Lib Dem pressure in government to introduce gender reporting and now copy our manifesto commitment to close the ethnicity pay gap shows Theresa May is taking the Lib Dem threat seriously.

“The bigger question is how can we take Theresa May seriously on clamping down on inequality and discrimination based on ethnicity given her record on these issues? She 
authorised the ‘Go Home Vans’ whilst at the Home Office and as Prime Minister is pursuing the hardest and most divisive form of Brexit while adopting the language of Nigel Farage in the pursuit of votes.

“The Liberal Democrats are the only party that can challenge Theresa May and stand up for the rights of those who face discrimination.”

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